Chat + Video (Video as Input)

The Bytez API enables multimodal chat models that can analyze video content and respond based on the visual context.

Use chat models to process video input, generating insights, summaries, or context-aware responses. Below are examples for working with video-based AI interactions.


Text + Video

This example sends a video file along with a text prompt for analysis.


Streaming allows you to receive model outputs incrementally as soon as they are available, which is ideal for tasks like real-time responses or large outputs.

How Streaming Works

To enable streaming, pass true as the third argument to the function. The model will return a stream that you can read incrementally.

const stream = await, params, true);

Node.js Example

const { Readable } = require('stream');

const stream = await, params, true);

try {
  const readableStream = Readable.fromWeb(stream); // Convert Web Stream to Node.js Readable Stream
  for await (const chunk of readableStream) {
    console.log(chunk.toString()); // Handle each chunk of data
} catch (error) {
  console.error(error); // Handle errors

Browser Example

const stream = await, params, true);

try {
  const reader = stream.getReader(); // Get a reader for the Web Stream

  while (true) {
    const { done, value } = await; // Read the stream chunk-by-chunk
    if (done) break; // Exit when the stream ends
    console.log(new TextDecoder().decode(value)); // Convert Uint8Array to string
} catch (error) {
  console.error(error); // Handle errors

Key Points

  • Node.js: Convert the Web Stream using Readable.fromWeb() for compatibility.
  • Browser: Use getReader() and TextDecoder to process the stream.
  • Error Handling: Both methods use try…catch to handle potential errors.
  • Data Handling: Data chunks are processed as they arrive via data events or .read() calls.